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Case Study

A journey of brand awareness toward conversion

The Client

Fortify Meals, a start-up company that originated through the business incubator of TAKEOFF, is a meal-prep company determined to help you achieve your goals. The service consists of nutritious, chef-prepared, calorie-counted meals that are delivered straight to your doorstep. Fortify’s mission is to be a convenient and hassle-free option for all, starting from the general public to the most elite athlete. The service includes meal plans for weight loss, plans for athletes and options for individuals who are always on the go but still want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. ‍

The Objective 

Fortify Meals approached me with one single goal in mind – to increase the brand’s visibility which, in turn, will increase their business. The Fortify team wanted the general public to get to know about the brand, in turn, leading to increased conversion. The team wanted to establish brand positioning and build a persona for the brand. However, they were at a loss on where to start and how to attract the right customers for conversion. The Fortify team wanted to make their name heard…and so they did! ‍

My Approach 

Brand Strategy Workshop

First things first. When taking on a new client, my approach is to set up a brand strategy workshop. That is exactly what I did with the Fortify team and we established their long term goals, values, and vision of their brand. I believe that this workshop is a necessary step to building a brand’s digital marketing strategy and the creative direction that a brand will take from that point forward. 

Brand Positioning 

With the results obtained from the workshop, I set out to create a communications strategy for Fortify to define its unique positioning in the market. I established guidelines on how the brand should communicate with the audience via all channels. The Fortify team wanted to position itself as a hassle-free service for busy people who want to take care of their health. Additionally, the brand also wanted to target an audience that wished to lose weight. 

Brand Persona & Voice

Next up came brand persona and voice. Through an analysis of the brand’s current data and keeping the new goal in mind, I settled on Fortify’s persona and established the brand’s tone of voice to be smart but not cocky, positive but not half-hearted, friendly but not too funny. 

Tagline & Colours 

With the brand persona and tone of voice in mind, the tagline came naturally. ‘Achieve Your Goals’ is what Fortify Meals aims to accomplish through its service. The brand is a convenient and hassle-free option for anyone wanting a healthy lifestyle. The colour ‘orange’ chosen for the brand strengthens the convenience, sense of urgency, and optimism that simply grabs attention. 

Website Development & SEO 

I implemented a new website structure that showcases all that the brand aims to answer to the public. It was important to have a user-friendly website that streamlined all communication. The website needed to define the user experience and Fortify Meals’ vision. Together with the web designer, we created a powerful website that automatically increased conversions. I also took care of doing an SEO audit to make sure that the website is ranking on Google with the right keywords that we wanted to target. The results from the SEO audit were implemented to the static website content and consistent blogs were also created to emphasise the keywords. 

Social Media Strategy 

My service goes beyond digital marketing strategy recommendations since I am a doer by nature. A social media strategy, especially in the local market, is needed to strengthen your brand and, in turn, increase your conversion. A strategy was created to be implemented on all social media channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, making use of the Reels feature to highlight the need for video content in today’s visual communication approach. 

Paid Advertising 

While SEO was beneficial for long-term results, paid advertising was used to snag those quick and targeted sales. Google Ads and social media ads proved beneficial for Fortify Meals since they helped to capture immediate conversions. ‍

The Results 

A recognisable and established brand in the market 

The brand is now a recognisable and established brand in the industry. Through the means of a successful website, online traffic increased to 3K visits a month from the mere 500 visits prior to my digital marketing strategy implementation. 

A tripled increased conversion rate 

The increased conversion rate was the star of the show. Thanks to a successful digital marketing strategy, in three months, Fortify Meals tripled their business, with the brand’s conversion rate going up to 4% from 1%. 

A streamlined communication across all channels 

From website to social media content, an aligned vision for Fortify Meals was created across all of its communication channels. From new photography to visualise the meals to informative social media content to position the brand as a leader in the field – Fortify content is now easily recognisable. ‍

Client Testimonial 

As a small business, it’s critical for us to maintain control over our marketing budget and maximise our return on investment. Gordon has been instrumental in establishing a digital presence for our start-up, providing feasible options for fresh marketing material and objectives. Gordon is consistently responsive, diligent, and communicative. Gordon has done a lot to make our brands successful, and I’m very grateful for all of his hard work.

Aaron Buhagiar – Co-founder at Fortify Meals

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