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Case Study

Proof that online and offline can work harmoniously together

The Client

Diamonds International is one of Malta’s leading outlets for international luxury jewellery and watch brands. The brand is known for its stunning pieces of jewellery and classic timepieces that will highlight the natural grace and beauty of its wearers. Due to the pandemic, the need to reach out to customers in a different way quickly arose. This called for a brand-new website, more specifically, an e-commerce site. 

The Objective 

December was within reach, so it was crucial to be live and all products to be available as soon as possible to avoid losing festive season sales. Diamonds International’s biggest challenge was a lack of experience in the field. With such a household brand on the market, the online world was relatively new to the company. With my service, I was their helping hand, guiding them and answering all the questions that they had. However, we had to act fast since we did not want to miss out on the Christmas period. 

My Approach 

Brand Analysis

I analysed the situation of the new website since we needed to launch asap. Although Diamonds International is far from a new brand on the market, I always like to start my relationship with clients by carrying out a brand analysis workshop. I aligned myself with the brand’s long-term goals, values, and vision. This is an essential step toward building the brand’s digital marketing strategy. 

SEO Strategy 

An SEO strategy was the first thing on my mind. The initial step was to analyse what keywords we wanted to rank for. In turn, we then proceeded to strengthen the website pages with meta titles and descriptions to highlight the desired keywords. We also did a competitor analysis to intensify our keyword targeting. 

Paid Advertising 

While SEO was beneficial for long-term results, paid advertising helped us to increase traffic to the website – fast. We aimed to target specific keywords that there brand related but also those that were product-related, products that people normally search for. Both Google Ads and social media ads proved to be beneficial for Diamonds International since they helped to capture immediate and targeted sales. 

Social Media Strategy 

We also implemented a social media strategy plan, aligning which products we should communicate. I always stress to my clients that a social media strategy is essential in the local market to increase brand awareness and conversion. A strategy was created to be implemented on all social media channels, including Facebook and Instagram, with a focus on Instagram stories to highlight the need for video authentic content in today’s visual communication approach. 

A combination of online & offline marketing 

I strongly believe in aligning your online and offline marketing strategies. In collaboration with a social media strategy, our goal was to mimic the journey so that what people were seeing on billboards, will be the same experience when they land on the website homepage. Our aim was to replicate the user experience from offline to online so that there will be a continuous journey. The same thing applied to social media – we aimed to talk about the same product, boosting and retargeting the same item. 

The Results 

A fast and efficient online launch for the brand 

Our biggest challenge was time, not only to be live before the festive season sales started to kick in but also to have all successful campaigns up and running. Launching a website without an awareness campaign would be pointless. We stepped in to make sure that everything is in order. We successfully launched and continued to optimise our deliverables to make sure that we were answering the consumer trends. 

An increase in enquiry rate that led to sales 

The goal, as with any other e-commerce website, was lead generation. During this one-year project, with the help of my service, the brand managed to increase the enquiry level that was then transmitted in sales. Targets were successfully achieved for that period and we continued to build on the success and implemented the same model for various occasions. After a successful campaign, we continued to come up with innovative ways to promote products and make them interesting to the consumer. 

A brand that thinks ahead 

Throughout this experience, we learned the importance of thinking ahead. We started to plan ahead in advance so that we could successfully marry the offline world with the online one. In that way, we could streamline all communication effectively. Although online is the most growing medium, people still need the offline side of things, especially for specific audiences. Since Diamonds International has a variety of brands, its target audience is varied which meant that all possible mediums needed to be utilised. 

An aligned communication between marketing & sales 

My service went a bit further than simply digital marketing consultancy. In the process, my aim was also to align the communication between the outlet and the online team. We needed to know what questions customers were asking in the shop so that we could communicate our marketing strategy better. The sales team assisted us in this. We created an organised way of how the marketing and the sales team could communicate effectively to achieve one common goal…sales. My service managed to build a bridge between the two. ‍

Client Testimonial 

Gordon is a passionate online marketeer with an outstanding network. He instantly became part of our team and has a professional, helpful, and positive approach. It is a pleasure and honour to recommend Gordon to anyone who wants to hire him. 

Karl Micallef – CEO at Bluerock

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Looking to create your own digital marketing strategy for your brand? 
Feel free to ask and reach out for my help! 

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